In another, we all stood with rapt attention as the players controlling Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Emperor Palpatine re-enacted the climactic clash between father and son from Return of the Jedi, complete with full movie lines typed into chat, the famous saber lock, and an appropriately timed “good, good” from the cackling Palpatine, all set against the polished black backdrop of the Death Star interior map.įor unlocking such a small, forgotten part of the game, Battlefront’s Hero Blast mod accomplishes so much more than anything a Walker Assault, Cargo, or Starfighter mode could pull off. In one round, my team met the enemy atop the Millennium Falcon parked in the middle of the Rebel Depot map where we all commenced an emote-off and laughed at the inaccuracies of the voice acting. The chat box lights up with compliments, taunts, memes, and genuine conversation about hobbies, favorite Star Wars films, and other subjects. That lighthearted approach to fun reflects in the moments shared between the 12 players during a match. Bursts of skilled aim and clever ability usage showcase the fun of running around as an iconic Star Wars character-a well-timed gas grenade from Bossk or Darth Vader sniping a wounded Lando Calrissian with a long-range lightsaber throw all but screams for a John Williams-scored Play of the Game recap. Fights are intense, with victories often decided by single-digit point differences between teams. DLC characters and maps are all available for Pass-owning players, and rounds end after either 10 minutes or reaching a 50-kill score limit. Villains mode, and I was sometimes stuck with an unfamiliar Hero by simply getting locked out of choices if I was further down the pick order. Each player chooses a Hero one at a time instead of all at once seen in the similar Heroes vs. Menus, including the Hero selection screen, appear identical to other modes in the live game, but grabbing the Hero you want at a match’s start is a slightly wonky affair. The mode itself feels reassuringly near-complete. Nearly six months later, a mod crafted by creator BDangercat using a custom launcher enables Hero Blast via invite-only matches. Those plans apparently never coalesced, as Battlefront largely languished in major updates after the Rogue One-themed Scarif DLC released last December. That aligned with earlier teases from developer DICE regarding plans for rewarding loyal Pass holders. 6 configuration for Imperial and Rebel teams, and an “XP3” designation suggesting a bonus mode for Season Pass owners.

The reveal showed a screenshot of a private match lobby listed under the Hero Blast category, a 6 vs. The files pertaining to a Hero-only version of Battlefront’s team deathmatch Blast mode were first discovered last year by dataminer uninsipired_zebra.